A donation to Reading Welfare Rights can help us provide free, confidential and specialist advice, support and advocacy services to the people of Reading who need help applying, claiming – or keeping their benefits.
Each year, we help hundreds of people with complex issues and secure over £1 million.
Much of this money had been withheld by the Department for Work and Pensions, (DWP), who wrongly stated that our clients were not entitled to this support.

Help us to provide one hour of support and advice from a volunteer.
Help us to provide one hour of in-depth welfare advice.
Help us to provide a detailed benefits check and follow-up advice, and help with making claims.
We appreciate any donation given to us. Set your own limit
The true test of a civilised society is how it treats its most vulnerable citizens. We believe in social justice and are proud to support those who are most in need.
In order to fund our work and to enable us to employ more Welfare Caseworkers, we need to secure more grants and contracts. We have already received fantastic support from: Berkshire Nurses, Reading Lions Club, Reading Dispensary Trust, The Berkshire Masonic Charitable Trust , Englefield Charitable Trust, Berkshire Community Fund , Waitrose Helping Communities Fund and the Aviva Community Crowdfunder. We are registered for Gift Aid.
We are also very grateful to The National Lottery Community Fund, The Henry Smith Charity, and Reading Borough Council for their ongoing funding of our service.